Achromic skin lesions of pinta
Cicatricial skin lesions of pinta
Dyschromic skin lesions of pinta
Cardiovascular lesions of pinta
Dyschromic skin lesions of pinta
Pinta, cardiovascular lesions
Pinta, dyschromic skin lesions
Pinta, late lesion
Pinta, vitiligo
Vitiligo of pinta
A67.2 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.
The 2023 edition of ICD-10-CM A67.2 became effective on October 1, 2022.
This is the American ICD-10-CM version of A67.2 – other international versions of ICD-10 A67.2 may differ.