A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. It is a strong, irrational fear of something that poses little or no actual danger. There are many specific phobias. Acrophobia is a fear of heights. You may be able to ski the world’s tallest mountains but be unable to go above the 5th floor of an office building. Agoraphobia is a fear of public places, and claustrophobia is a fear of closed-in places. If you become anxious and extremely self-conscious in everyday social situations, you could have a social phobia. Other common phobias involve tunnels, highway driving, water, flying, animals and blood. People with phobias try to avoid what they are afraid of. If they cannot, they may experience
An anxiety disorder characterized by an intense, irrational fear of an object, activity, or situation. The individual seeks to avoid the object, activity, or situation. In adults, the individual recognizes that the fear is excessive or unreasonable.
An extreme, irrational, fear of something that may cause a person to panic. Examples of common phobias include fear of spiders, flying in an airplane, elevators, heights, enclosed rooms, crowded public places, and embarrassing oneself in front of other people.
Anxiety disorder characterized by intense, unrealistic, persistent fear and avoidance of an object, activity, or situation.
Anxiety disorders in which the essential feature is persistent and irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that the individual feels compelled to avoid. The individual recognizes the fear as excessive or unreasonable.
Continuous irrational fear about certain object, situation, or activity
Disorders characterized by persistent, unrealistic, intense fear of an object, activity, or situation.
Agoraphobia unspecified
Agoraphobia with panic disorder
Agoraphobia without panic disorder
Social phobias
Social phobia, unspecified
Social phobia, generalized
Specific (isolated) phobias
Animal type phobia
Other animal type phobia
Natural environment type phobia
Fear of thunderstorms
Other natural environment type phobia
Blood, injection, injury type phobia
Fear of blood
Fear of injections and transfusions
Fear of other medical care
Fear of injury
Situational type phobia
Fear of bridges
Fear of flying
Other situational type phobia
Other specified phobia
Other specified phobia
Other phobic anxiety disorders
Phobic anxiety disorder, unspecified