A disorder characterized by the inability of the heart to pump blood at an adequate volume to meet tissue metabolic requirements, or, the ability to do so only at an elevation in the filling pressure.
A heterogeneous condition in which the heart is unable to pump out sufficient blood to meet the metabolic need of the body. Heart failure can be caused by structural defects, functional abnormalities ventricular dysfunction), or a sudden overload beyond its capacity. Chronic heart failure is more common than acute heart failure which results from sudden insult to cardiac function, such as myocardial infarction.
Heart failure is a condition in which the heart can’t pump enough blood throughout the body. Heart failure does not mean that your heart has stopped or is about to stop working. It means that your heart is not able to pump blood the way it should. The weakening of the heart’s pumping ability causes
Inability of the heart to pump blood at an adequate rate to fill tissue metabolic requirements or the ability to do so only at an elevated filling pressure.
Inability of the heart to pump blood at an adequate rate to meet tissue metabolic requirements or the ability to do so only at an elevated filling pressure.
Inability of the heart to pump blood at an adequate rate to meet tissue metabolic requirements. Clinical symptoms of heart failure include: unusual dyspnea on light exertion, recurrent dyspnea occurring in the supine position, fluid retention or rales, jugular venous distension, pulmonary edema on physical exam, or pulmonary edema on chest x-ray presumed to be cardiac dysfunction.
ruptured ectopic pregnancy
Left ventricular failure, unspecified
Systolic (congestive) heart failure
Unspecified systolic (congestive) heart failure
Acute systolic (congestive) heart failure
Chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure
Acute on chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure
Diastolic (congestive) heart failure
Unspecified diastolic (congestive) heart failure
Acute diastolic (congestive) heart failure
Chronic diastolic (congestive) heart failure
Acute on chronic diastolic (congestive) heart failure
Combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
Unspecified combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
Acute combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
Chronic combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
Acute on chronic combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
Other heart failure
Right heart failure
Right heart failure unspecified
Acute right heart failure
Chronic right heart failure
Acute on chronic right heart failure
Right heart failure due to left heart failure
Biventricular heart failure
High output heart failure
End stage heart failure
Other heart failure
Heart failure, unspecified